Saturday, March 22, 2008

Black Market

Where do they buy the drugs?
Who the hell has these things? I just.. no Im at a loss.

Runamuck chemists?

All the people I know who do drugs or are drug dealers are all like into Meth and the Mary-Jane...

Wow.. I suddenly painted my self as a shady character... no.. I just happen to know a variety of people.

And Im sorry to say it but it seems that drugs are booming in the gay scene.

This is going to be a short blog. Im with Waffles at the moment. I took him shopping. I love shopping with him. HE's my only guy friend and Im going to say it - shopping with women is a nightmare.

I want to scoop my eyes out with the dull knife.

Oh lets try this
And this and this and look at this.
Im not really gonna buy anything though. Just looking

Think of the man's welfare!!
For christ sake if Im here - entertain me
Fashion a Bikini !!

Calling all married men - Do you still find your wife sexually attractive? Or does it turn into something else?

And now I leave you with my photos. Muahhaha

Me Chilling on the grass

Me Riding a Cow

Me... after Asuka carved her name into my back

I managed to con Asuka into wearing my clothes (binder too!) in exchange for me wearing her clothes...and make up...and high heels...those photos shall be burnt

Me and a Kangaroo. True Aussie

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