Monday, August 11, 2008

Progress report

Yeh, if it was a girl then that would be fine. I find it less insulting because the rule "Cant hit a girl" applies there. But the person who bullied me in the supermarket was a boy.

I wear steel capped shoes and spent most of my life in some sort of martial arts training and yet I cant kick someones ass. ... lets rephrase, I can - thats a fact and I have. I just dont often get into fights and naturally avoid them.

I dont know what the fuck is going on with my chin. One day there is hair, the next day its gone. The stuff on my chin is good.

I have an adams apple, I swear. Its just gotten bigger.
And according to Asuka my dick has gotten a little bigger (Since she arrived) but that is totally debatable.

Im satisfied so no problem

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