Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Progress Report

More and more.. but still now visible unless you are sitting under my nose. Asuka says when I kiss her she can feel it scratching her face.

Body Odor
Probably settled a little bit. I wash but smell as soon as I get out of the shower so Ive given up and am inveseting in deoderants.

Sex drive
Ive been having sex everyday so frankly.. Im having more than enough.

My period is coming I think and I just cant handle it. It seems that before it starts I seem more female than any other time. When I look in the mirror I can see it. It scares me and I dont want to go outside. I realise that this is exactly what I was like since I was 13. I despise the girl I see.

I was bullied the other day in the supermarket by someone who use to go to my old school and recognised me. Infront of my girlfriend it was rather humiliating to stand there and have my dignanty crushed.

That was a wake up call that Im not a man to some people.
I dont think I can handle things at the moment so Im considering returning to anti-depressants.

You know what's funny? Danny and I never saw little blue men. We see shadow people. Has anyone else seen them?

1 comment:

Foilwoman said...

Alex: She tried to bully you. Just remember, you don't really need or want her good opinion. Hang in there. F.