Lol. And as you do when your in pain you stop breathing (as I do) and my body goes rigid. Then as it passes you go back to normal.
In the meantime, everyone else (customers included) think Im completely off my rocker, freezing up every 2 minutes.
Now it wasnt the best hour of my life - People staring, No oxygen, Pain and so on...
To top it off I started to get a little ...uh... outta sync? I dont know. I couldnt use my hand properly (yeh I was pretty bad all through the day. Paintings were moving and I colours had smells.. it anyway back to the story)
So I slammed my finger in the glass cabnet doors.
In the same place.
So I gave up. It was just too uncomfortable.
I told my manager that Im giving up (they could knew I was in pain)
Anyway so the store manager was called 'cause she is also the safety manager and she has to do all this safety bull crap and lada da da first aid.
And for reasons I cant fathom, I cried.
I just started crying. I tried to fight it but it came out and it baffled everyone.
Me mostly!
Personally, I blame the estrogen. Fucking sucks donkey balls.
So after talking to the manager and getting dismissed for the day I went to the bathroom (with my cap pulled low so nobody could see my face) I hid under the sink and fucking cried like a baby.
Ah, I feel like such a failure when I cant control myself. My emotion or my body (like my dead arm).
So I went home and rested. My friends came over last (with beer! YAY! But I had medicine so I couldnt drink it! Boo!)
So I felt better listening and talking to them.
And after they left and I apologised to my girlfriend for getting irritated at her I went to bed. YAY.
Umm, something else...something else...
Ah, I like my new binder (that I got for christmas). Its tight enough to bind but not tight enough to kill me and hurt me when it rolls up.
Im very much depressed at my reflection. Lol. As much as I see a young boy I know everyone else can see Im a girl. Especially when I open my mouth and talk.
My mum picked on me today for deliberatly lowering my voice when talking to a store clerk at the mall.
I had this weird dream two nights ago about going against my mother and brothers wishes to go out to a party as a boy. And as they yelled at me and told me how stupid and horrible I was I pulled a gun from my bag and agressively got them outta my way (No, I didnt shoot them)
Then last night I had a dream in the same kind of setting but I explained somehow to my mother what I was feeling and she understood and was supportive.
I think this is god trying to give me a very straight forward message.
But I dont have the balls to have this kinda arguement with my mum.
There was a show on Tv about the most amazing moments in this decade or something like that. An the drug-test-cheating-chinese-female-swimmers were on.
Built like men they were. Thanks to steriods.
My mum was going on about how disgusting and unnatural and all that it was. Then turned to me and said (not in a bitchy voice or anything) "I suppose you think thats attractive?"
And that made me think "You have no fucking idea do you".
Id been wondering for a while what she thought would happen when I take testosterone. Because I can tell by her arguements she hasnt the faintest idea what the stuff does!
These chinese women still looked like women. With biceps and a dicklet but still.. women.
Id hate that!
For me.
In answer to my mothers queston actually I do find that attractive. As a Sadomasochist its been an ambition of mine to be sodomised/violated/beaten around by a rather strong tomboy. A tomboy but still someone who identifies as female.
So a steriod taking chinese female athlete would be someone Id do.
No, Dont take steriods. They are bad for you. But you can still sodomise/violate and beat me if you want ( ^_^)
But for me to be a steriod taking martial artist? No. No thats just wrong.
Im a keen body builder. I love to see myself with a crazy amount of muscles for a girl and a 6 pack and what not.
But thats it! Im a girl! And if you compared me to any other 14 year old non athletic boy we'd be about the same.
Im doing this to pass. Im doing this so I know that no matter what my disability I can still make this playing field level.
If I were to be male, I wouldnt bust it out and be the next Arnie. Thats just gross.
I appreciate the toned body. Which looks subtle but quite powerful.
Ever seen a male ballerina? They have some amazing bodies.
Lol. I just remembered my P.E. Sex/Drug education lesson back in middle school when they were talking about the effects of steriods on men and women.
When it came to women what did they say... Increased clitoris, masculinizing of the face/body... shit I cant remember all the things they said or how they said it but I remember sitting there and thinking to myself " a bad thing?"
I love learning about language. Someone great once said "First you must know your opponent before you slaughter them"
With the English language, I take the same approach.
If you are wondering why I use a lot of spacing its because I use to write fictional stories online and when you are reading something on the computer and you see a bug chunk of test its actually quite daunting and hard to read. So I found spacing it out keeps the readers interest and makes it easier to digest. That and I found men cant/wont read big blobs of text unless it has a pretty picture in the middle to break it up.
But writing erotic fiction then putting a pretty picture in the middle defeats the purpose.
Kinda Irish... if you will.
(No, kinky fiction isnt the only thing I wrote. Give me some credit!)
Now what was I talking about I forgot... oh yeah! Cockney such and such. Yeh go ahead. Tell me whatever you want Im interested to hear it. You sound pretty smart which makes me wonder... what are you doing here?
Also when you said football I knew you meant soccer because somehow I knew you were a Pom...
Regardless of that, you still have balls to come out to your mates. What were the best and worst reactions?
P.S: Yep most of this is of no interest to you
Ah! YES! I must have a Closet T Party...
I remembered this today as I made myself fairy bread (how manly of me)
Say what you want, fairy bread kicks ass.
You know what else kicks ass? Hanh Beer.
awwwww Yeah.
Cheers Waffles.
I think my heaven is me... sitting on a cloud with my wife and she's feeding me lychees (THOSE THINGS ROCK!!!) and Im sipping a cold hahn lager.
Aww yeah~
Ok its now almost 1am! As I have somehow managed to sleep through the entire day I have to find ways to quietly entertain myself until morning!
Oh speaking of masturbation I have news!
No, dont give me that look its not what you think.
I wanna make a retraction! Seriously, stop giving me that look.
It seems I had a flashback the other day and this whole "my wang is swollen and painfully sensitive" HAS happened before! I do remember! It was about 2 or 3 years ago though. So there, we can wipe that off the list of "Things T might have done to me"
Its quite and interesting experiece. I have no real.. mental..want. You know what I mean? The body is all "Do it!Now" but the mind is completely ... not interested. Rather amusing really (Read: Painfully frustrating)
My boxing trainer came today and said that I had a stupid amount of muscle that wasnt there last time. (My last lessons was Pre T )
So... yeh..muscle gain? That could be a possibility.
And seeing as I have run out of beer and must return to the fridge for more I shall leave you now with pictures of me. 'Cause I rock your socks and you know it baby.
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