Ah, Im sorry. I just get a kick out of the weird things people do and rather then let them waste away in my head I thought Id share.
Virginian Ham. Do you know it? Just a standard run of the mill processed leg ham. Lol.
For some reason, I cant keep a straight face when someone misreads the label and calls it Virgin Ham.
I blame my inner child.
Another customer quirk I love is when the customer takes a ticket, you serve them, then they put the used ticket on the counter... RIGHT BESIDE THE USED TICKET BOX!
No more than a 1cm away.
Cracks me up.
This next one was a one off but it freaking made me laugh. A woman wanted a Salad but she didnt know what it was called so she described it "The..uh...the pasta thing... the spiraly pasta"
Ok you know the spiral pasta? Yeh, we've got one of those cold pasta salads made of that...that and corn...and thats all thats in it.
So I went "Ok"
Fetched the container and filled it up with the salad.
"NO! Not that one!" She cried
In turn I sighed.
Tipping the pasta back.
She pointed again at something called a Thai Noodle. "I said I wanted this one!"
I shook my head.
This woman's insane.
Thats not pasta, Its hokkein!
Hokkein Noodles are those yellow long noodle things found in Asian dishes. I have no idea how the word "Spiral" and "Pasta" came into their description!
This one I find more irritating.. When people try to singal wait they want with their eyes. They glance at it and say "That".
Not very helpful.
Or they sometimes bend from the waist and tilt towards it.
What the fuck - are you a divining stick? Just read the label you lazy bum.
This last one happens often but Im gonna use todays experience as an example.
My co-worker (who we shall call David) was calling out numbers. A crowd had formed and now it had passed leaving only 2 customers left.
"Number 23?"
Nobody moved. The customers waited. Their eyes glued to David. Waiting for their number.
"Is there a number 23?" David repeated. "Number 23!!!"
Yet again, nobody moved. David looked at the man to the left and asked "What number are you sir?"
"Number 23"
LOL!! Sorry, it happens often. I have no idea why. It seems like they are listening but perhaps they are in a dream world. Or maybe they just think we are mind readers.
All work talk outta the way lets get down to business.
I had a lot of thinking time today. I wanted to ask my readers a question. Even if you dont have young childen just think about it hypothetically.
Would you let your child associate with a Gay/Lesbian or Transexual (Pre-Hormone or During Transition)
To be honest, my first instinct was to say No. I dont want my child to have any ...unusual influences.
Sounds really cruel doesnt it.
My reasoning though is that I dont want my child near negative energy. People in the LGBT community in general have... hazy pasts and carry a lot of negative experiences. I want to keep my kid away from that
Id hate for them to find out at such a young age that life is really really shit.
But on the other hand, having them aware of the issue and socialising with the person would be really benefical. Teaching them that we are all basically the same and as a result decreasing the amount of ignorance in the world.
But yeh - What would you do? What ARE you doing, if anything. Im really curious...
Ummm.... what else.. what else... Umm..
Im still depressed. About being a girl. Being this... thing...
Its like being the colour gray. God that must suck.
There is probably one thing I like about being a girl - manipulation.
Its a lot easier to do.
People respond differently to different genders.
Like today I was passing very well. The man who waited at the bus stop (for the bus that never came! Damn this city!) started talking to me and then offered to let me ride alone with him to the train station when his wife picked him up.
Now I know that if he saw me as a girl he wouldnt have done that.
For the record I definately knew he thought I was a boy. I gave him the name Alex and he referred to me as a "Young Lad" along with all the appropriate pronouns. Made me happy :)
On the more negative side of passing.. or.. well.. not passing clearly..
As we were waiting a drunk guy stumbled up. I glanced him then looked away.
"What?" He slurred. I checked to see who he was talking to. Unfortunately...me.
"What dyuu looking at?"
I ignored him.
I kept ignoring him.
"You're a poof arent cha. I can see"
I looked back at him and shook my head. Disapprovingly.
"Yeh.. yeh. I know.. your a fucking poof"
ARGH GOD, Sorry I interrupt this blog to bitch. This void in my chest is growing and its just eating me.
Alcohol doesnt fix it. I know.
But it makes it easier to ignore.
I always wished I could be normal. I wished that one day I would wake up and love men and enjoy make up, skirts, pretty things and be like a normal girl.
If not that, just be able to live a life thats acceptable. Something that wasnt so painful as how I was living at the moment.
God, it doesnt work like that.
Its more normal if Im a boy.
Which is strange isnt it. If you look at it simply - "Im changing my physical gender to male" It looks so big and messy.
But its not like that at all for me.
Saying "Im changing to be a girl"
THAT seems extreme. Even when I was trying - I was still failing. I just looked like a gay guy.
God, why did you do this? He cant be real. I know it.
If there is a god, he wouldnt make me - the mistake.
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Hmmm...those are damn negative thoughts about gays & transexuals! Like it or not, you don't quite 'tick' the 'normal' box in most peoples minds no matter how 'normal' you think you are. I hasten to add I think you're perfectly normal!
Beleive me there are just as many shitty, negative vibe, type straight people out there as gay or transexual people out there!
Judge people how you find, not by generalisations, stereotypes or misconceived opinions, based on how you might have grown up/been raised as a kid!
Enough of that...I was actually just popping in to say hello, & although I don't know if you've ever looked in on my blog (hopefully not, if you've got time to read it, or even make sense of it, you might not want me as a'virtual-online-electronic friend, whatever that term may be! Bloody labels...) I thought I'd let you know I did a posting about you today! There, thought that'd get your attention! I hasten to add I wrote it before I looked in here! Hope you're not too offended...
Oh oh I better not tell you about Benny Jr's (almost 4 yo) behaviour. Playing with his bigger sister, Benniette (6 yo and blessed with that online name by Foilwoman) a couple of weeks ago and one of her friends, playing dress up. Well he wanted to participate, so silk shorts, pink top and clip on earrings....
Voila - Rebecca was born...
It's hillarious, his voice goes up in pitch, and he is much more restrained in hitting people (esp me at his eye level my crotch height - lets just say I'm not planning on any more kids at this stage)...
We went away for a holiday and staying with a family of mum, dad, Jenny (12 yo) and Jerry (13 yo with a bit of Aspergers)... Well all the girls around, Jenny's friends mum and girls at the local pub all took it in their stride and accepted her, but Jerry and dad all had a bit of a problem...
There is a 5yo male in a group that Benniette hangs around with who is "much" more feminine, he always plays with the girls, likes pink, its always adfults (other parents) that have trouble coping with him (he identifies as male) but none of the kids ever do...
When I was a kid I wrote a lot of the signs for the meat in the trays at my dad's butchers shop, it was months before a customer pointed out that the sign said "Schitzel" so I don't think people read them very much... that is if they aren't left off, sunk below tray height, obscured by food, twisted, or put on backward*
* That was yesterday at a supermarket starting with W
They say Fact is stranger than fiction.You have the talent on writing,Alex !! kuni
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