Saturday, August 15, 2009

More lively updates

OMG, did I miss batman begins?!

I totally heart batman. I would have loved to see it ... again.

Well, I am allowed to take my Provisional Permit test in a short while (2 weeks?). I'm stalling. Im just so darn scared, ok?

Im definitely not good enough to do VORT (which is an instant test resulting 99.9% of the time in an instant fail). So I will be doing CBT (Competency Based Training). The Dealio there is you go out on a certain number of drives and complete a list of 'skills'. Each one having to be done twice in order to prove your competency.

Ive entered in a bunch of car competitions and other competitions too. All hoping I can buy me a set of wheels.

My mum suggested that I stop T now that I have my voice. I was like n0 F^
Moment to make fun though;
Period? Really? It's called a Period...Doesnt that strike you as amusing a little?

Sorry, for someone that had horrific 'periods' (and I know another reader can agree with me). They are not so much periods are they are an era.

Yeh thats not going to be something I sign up for in a hurry.

That and my beard hasnt fully set in yet
I know Im totally going to regret it with the pain of shaving but I just have always wanted one!

Just for randomness sake I'll put my measurements up.

Oh first did I mention that my dick is now like 3cm something? That's like a 1cm growth in a year.

w00t w00t! PROGRESS!

Ok, now onto stats

Waist 74cm 30" (was 28")

Bust 89cm 35" (no idea what I was...shall we say...not a lot?)

Shoulder 41cm 16" (was 14")

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