Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Day 6

To The Fatalist, Foilwoman, Benedict, Waffles, Jenmoshka, Mcanonymous, Kuni, Shin, Yoko, lurkers and all those who read my blog - Merry Christmas. I hope you had a good day.

Lets just review what Ive been up to.

Monday was Christmas Eve. I worked 9 hours

I visited Waffle for a moment after work. Picked up some beer. Went home. Got drunk. Sent messages to my wife that didnt make her too happy. Fell asleep. Woke up. Took a wicked *'Yes'. Apologised to my wife. Wished her merry christmas. Fell asleep again.

Chistmas Day. 11:30am - Woke up.
Called my wife to wish her a more sober merry christmas. While talking I got ready for the family gathering. Realised that during my drunkeness last night I applied another testogel pack.

My mother enters the room and asks "How much did you drink last night?! Smells like a brewery in here!"

(The gel is alcohol based and does give off a bit of a smell)

Ended conversation with my wife and then headed off to my dads house.

The party there was as usual. Dirty jokes and derogatory references.

I downed a few more beers and spent most of the time in a buzzed sense of grumpiness. I actually have no perception of time when Im drunk.

My brother then took me home and had an afternoon lunch with my mother. I downed a few more beers went to write an email to the wife and ended up falling asleep on the bed fully dressed party hat and all.

I woke up later tonight about 8ish and finished my beer. lol. I think I was out for a good 5 hours.

Ive noticed recently Ive been dreaming of killing people. My dreams are rather irritating. One night, I had a dream where everything that pisses me off happened and I was doing those stupid slo-mo punches.

The oddest thing was after I realised that my punches were inaffective I resorted to throwing pieces of chicken breasts.

And on that note, we move onto PROGRESS!!!!

Im rather irritated. Still. Like I said, sometimes I get like this but... its been for 3 days now and any longer would be a record. Im hoping someone will start a fight with me so I have a reason to kick some ass.

On the other hand of that, Im a coward at heart. So I doubt my anger will beat my heart.

Right now, right this minute, Im probably the horniest Ive ever been. I actually feel bothered to engage in sexual activity. I think this is more the alcohol than anything else.

Oh by the way, I dont think I said it but I lost the no wanking till new year competition. I lost 5 days into it. Luckily, Waffles did too also 5 days into it. But I beat him. Managing to hold on a few hours longer.

Ummm ok so to list everything off...
- Im kinda grumpy
- I like boobies
- My voice is going a little strange. Up and down and scratchy.

These things though are most likely not a result of testosterone.

My job requires a bit of yelling and a lot of talking and my voice isnt exactly long lasting either.

Also, I could be having a mood swing making me a cranky bitch.

And boobies are just all round fantastic. Who doesnt like boobies?

In Philosophical News,

I had a friend I met in Japan come out to me. Again. At first she said she was Bisexual and now she came to me panicked that she was actually a lesbian. Or that it seems she is and she isnt too sure.

Excluding myself only one other person knows.

In her home country she is faced with the usual - Discrimination, predjuice so on and so forth.

Her family wouldnt take to it to well either.

She asked me what she should do and asked me for advice. Like I had a set way to tell if she was gay or not.

Its hard to explain this but Ill do my best.


In the end, really, it doesnt matter.

But for the sake of simplicity we put labels on things. Far enough.

Dude, you can call youself whateeeeever you want. There is no set rule to 'Qualify' to be gay, bi, lesbian, straight.

But somehow most of us have this general conception that Yes, you must do this and only this to qualify!

The fact of the matter is its how you FEEL opposed to what you DO (or who you do in this case)

You can call yourself straight and screw as many girls, love as many girls, fantasize about as many girls as you want. You're still straight. If that is how you identify yourself

You gotta look deep inside yourself and ask yourself what you really are and then you can find your answer.

I liken this process to buying a shirt. Just because it fits you, doesnt mean it suits you.

I think that there is gonna confuse a lot of people :P Sorry. Such is my mind. Ill give you something easier then.

Sexuality is like fluid. You just go with the flow.

Ok! Now Ive gotta go. The Mrs is requesting me.

Goodnight and Peace to all

* Its a joke.... and you dont get it. So Ill help you out. Whats the french word for Yes?

1 comment:

Benedict 16th said...

Merry Summer Solstice, Alex,
and here is just the present!

Also I heard a song that made me think of you, it's by Martha Wainwright.

Watch out with the steroids - this can happen!

Back badder'n ever next year