Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Positive thinking

Yes, positive thinking is the key.

I didnt meet the TG guys. It was raining and I didnt feel like making the two hour trip on the bus to sit in a bar.

Ive seemed to grown a liking to this girl who is 15. Jail bait, anyone?
She sees me as her older brother and I see her as my young sister. Its kind of sweet and its keeping me busy worrying about someone else.

Shes an artist and I find it amazing when Im able to see her work. Its abstract. Very interesting.

For a fifteen year old she has a very interesting view on life. However it takes a long time to get anything out of her.

Apart from being facinated by this child Ive been doing nothing else. Oh, homework I guess.

Im watching Boston Legal


Benedict 16th said...

15 yo female = 1-19 yo male in maturity stakes, so that would be pretty evenly matched.... that would push you more to the XY end of the gene pool!


Benedict 16th said...

oops that should be 17-19 yo male

Anonymous said...

Good post on positive thinking.

karim - Positive thinking