I thought I should write my own "Guide of how to pee".
This guide isnt just for any new-man. This can also be used for girls on car trips or...really dirty toilets.. I dont know...where ever you want.
Ok so lets begin.
Step 1 - Buy a Penis
Calm down Calm down! This isnt as weird as it sounds... actually..yeh..it probably is.
For your new penis you are going to need to go to the chemist and purchase something called a Medicine Spoon. You want something that looks like this -

This costs about $3 - $5 (Australian Dollars).
Step 2 - Shape your penis
If you dont already understand how this is going to work then I'll just explain. There is a scoop/spoon-looking end and a sealed round end... right? Ok, well you put the scoop/spoon-looking end where your pee comes out and then it runs down the tube, ok? Rather simple
We need to put a hole in the end of the tube!!
So you need to find a drill and make a hole about 9mm wide. Or whatever you think is suitable. It needs to be big enough to have a consistant flow of urine.
If its not big enough then yeh.. you might 'overload' the device and its going to come back up and wet your pants. Or if its too big.. well then your flow is just gonna be hard to control. So...experiment.
For those of you who bought a softer plastic Medicine spoon you dont need a drill. I just used scissors and a lot of force.
Step 3 - Practice
This is really important. A you should do a lot of it before deciding to take it out into the real world.
First, practice naked. No pants, no underwear (I didnt wear a shirt either...yes, I was that paranoid). Then stand in your bathtub, or shower (or somewhere you can quickly wash so...the bathroom, ok?).
You need to find this thing called your urethra. Its the place where your pee comes out. Some people have it near the clitorus some people dont so..yeah.. you need to find it.
Place the spoon end close to your vagina and cover your urethra with it. Then pee a little. If you have it in the right place the pee will go down the device and out the hole you made. If not, then just move it and try again.
And ladies and gentlemen, thats how we pee!
Once you have that down and you can do it. Try with underwear on. Then with pants. And then in your actual toilet if your game. Then once your completely confident and have the routine smooth, you can try the real world.
Here is a site I used that helped me learn to pee. It wasnt written by me (its a different Alex but just as cool Im sure).
It has more detail.
So have fun everyone ;)
1 comment:
You won,Alex !!
Cyndi will be your aria in the next Feb.
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